Post by muldoon104 on Mar 23, 2017 12:58:48 GMT -5
“ Jay County Demolition derby 2017 RULES”
1. Each driver is required to fill out an entry blank. Only one entry per driver, per class. Entries are not transferable.
2. Derby officials may accept or reject any entry, driver or pit crew member.
3. Those issued pit passes may be refused entry by derby officials should officials deem it necessary for safety or the smooth operation of the derby.
4. Pit passes will not be issued to those 14 years of age or younger at some shows. Check minor regulations for each specific location. Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and have an adult/guardian waiver signed.
5. Everyone in the pits must sign a waiver.
6. Any driver 18 or younger must have a notarized minor's release signed by the parent or guardian. The minimum age for drivers is 14 unless prohibited by the individual derby host (fair board etc) regulations. Entrant will be responsible for securing approval from said host.
7. Intoxicating beverages, illegal substances or the use of such are prohibited prior to or during the event. Any violator will be disqualified. This includes car, driver and crew.
8. The last moving vehicle making contact with another live vehicle in all events will be declared the winner.
9. The Decision of the derby officials will be final!
10. Any driver and/or crew member(s) disobeying the rules will cause their car to be disqualified.
11. The driver and the car qualify for the feature. No driver or car changes. Only cars and drivers entered in previous heats qualify for consolation heat or feature.
12. You must stay in your car. Do not leave your car unless you are told to do so by a derby official or the red flag (or checkered flag) has been displayed and all cars have stopped. Leaving your car or "STANDING UP" is grounds for disqualification. If an emergency arises during an event and cars must be moved for safety, running cars will be returned to original position for the restart.
14. If a driver does not hit another live car within 1 minute they will be disqualified.
15. Anyone found blatantly cheating (hidden welds, pitched frames where not allowed, etc.) will be given the option to correct the issue and charged a $100 cash re-inspection fee payable at time of inspection. Derby officials reserve the right to inspect any car at any time.
16. Inspection will close 20 minutes before the starting time. "LATE ARRIVALS ARE SUBJECT TO AN INSPECTION FEE OR REFUSAL".
M-17. Any front engine 107 1/2” or greater wheelbase, hard top automobile or station wagon is allowed. No Trucks, Jeeps, Hearses, Limos, SUV's, or carry-alls.
M-18. Seat belts, approved helmet, and eye protection are required.
M-19. All glass including windshield, doors, headlights, taillights, mirrors, etc. must be “removed” not broken and laying in the doors. The car must be swept clean of all dirt and loose pieces. All this work must be done before entering the pit area.
M-20. Fuel to be gasoline only, no alcohol. Only tanks permitted are STEEL boat tanks or metal fuel cells "NO PLASTIC TANKS" and must be mounted in the area of the back seat and suitably covered. "GAS TANK PROTECTORS" (not frame protectors) may not be more than 26" wide, 3" minimum off floor, and at least 4" from rear sheet metal. Tanks must fit within the 26" tank protector area and not be excessive in size. Rubber and steel lines can be run under floorboards. Steel lines may run inside the car. Rubber lines inside the car must be run inside another hose. Tanks must be secured to floor or cage (not to side walls or doors) with bolts, chain, metal straps, or wire. No nylon strap fasteners or welding tanks to floors. Tanks must be covered and cover must be suitably attached at all times. ALL FUEL LINES AND TANKS WILL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSPECTORS! Vehicles requiring electric fuel pumps must have an operational fuel pump kill switch. All original tanks must be removed.
M-21 A. BUMPERS: Front bumpers may be factory or homemade. Bumper dimensions as follows: Bumper can only measure 8” front to back. Measurement will be a straight line from the point the bumper meets the bumper shock mount. If you are building a bumper with a point it MUST tapper at least 18” from center both ways. SEE ATTACHED PHOTO FOR EXAMPLES. Maximum bumper thickness of homemade bumpers (top to bottom) is 6”. Factory bumpers may be loaded, seam welded, and reinforced behind the factory shell. You may NOT alter any factory bumper from its original shape or dimensions other than it may be shortened. Chrysler pointy bumpers are not allowed! We realize some factory bumpers may exceed the 8” rule but being factory they will not have an advantage over a homemade bumper. Homemade rear bumpers, same specifications other then MUST BE FLAT.
M-21B. No trailer hitches or other reinforcements are permitted. Cutting bumpers (and fenders) for wheel clearance and/or restriction of steering is permissible. You may cut front frame rails short then remount bumper shocks. You may not move core support mount. Bumper shocks may be factory stock or homemade and may be remounted and welded or bolted up to 12" (welds may extend the entire 12" length of shock) inside frame or outside frame depending on original factory mounting. Shocks factory mounted in frame must remount in frame, shocks factory mounted outside frame must remount outside frame. Cars with no factory bumper shocks may add one (factory or homemade) to either the inside or outside of the frame rail, the same 12" rules apply. Bumpers may be welded to bumper shocks and bumper shocks may be welded to frame, any steel besides the shock used to mount bumper may not extend back further than front of core support. Bumpers may be chained or bolted, chain or bolt may be welded to frame forward of core support and may go around bumper or be bolted to bumper. Bumpers may be flipped over. Car bumpers only, max. 22" (front) and min. 15" (rear) from bottom of bumper to the ground.
M-22. All doors must be wired, banded, or chained, or a maximum of "three" 3"x 4" (or smaller) plates per vertical door seam may be welded to secure all doors. Gas doors may be welded. ANY PLATES OR WELDS LONGER THAN 4" WILL BE CUT. Pre-run sheet metal damage may be patched ON DOORS ONLY with up to same gauge material and no more than 1" overlap. "Drivers door may be welded solid with up to 3" strap and must also be reinforced with a suitable strong bar. IF NO CAGE IS USED DRIVER'S DOOR MUST BE PAINTED WHITE. Numbers to be painted on both front doors with a contrasting color for ease of scoring and CONTAIN NO ADVERTISING.
M-23. A FOUR POINT CAGE may be installed consisting of one dash bar, one bar behind the seat, and one door bar per side (may be inside doors but may not extend forward of the firewall). An optional X bar behind the seat may replace single straight bar and may be welded to door post and floor SHEET METAL ONLY (not frame) and must be 5" from any body bolt. Dash bar must be straight with no kickers and must have 6" clearance from bar to distributor protector. Door bars may be mounted to body at the dash area or to dash bar and to the door post and may have two down legs per side welded to floor "SHEET METAL ONLY" (not frame). Down legs must be 5" or more from any body mount. One mounting plate per side approximately 6" X 12" may be welded and or bolted to the door post and or door. The door bars may extend a maximum of 12" behind front door post and be no more than 15" above lower inside door seam. An optional seat bar without a four-point cage may be installed conforming to above "seat bar" specifications. No cage bar in the center of car running front to back. You may have a center floating bar attached to one cage bar to mount shifter. Cage must be at least 3" above floor. An optional roll bar may be added but must stand straight up and may be attached to inside cage and roof only (bolted to roof not welded). Cage must be at least 3" above floor.
M-24. Hoods may be held down with up to six double strands of #9 or smaller wire, sheet metal to sheet metal only, no welding washers to hood or fenders. "HOOD MUST BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION". Hoods must cover fan blades and transmission coolers. Hood safety latch must be removed. Hood hinge bolts may be up to 3/8”. You may add up to 8 bolts in hood sheet metal (plus hinge bolts). There must be a minimum 12” hole in hood above carburetor.
M-25. If you run a trunk lid it must be a factory trunk lid, no plate steel and must be attached to factory hinges at factory location. Front half of trunk lid "SIDES" must stay above drip edge and drip edge must remain in original location. Back half may be folded down but not folded in half (doubled over). You may push center of trunk lid down but must remain above drip edge at sides. Trunk lid (or tailgate) may be wired with double strands of wire in up to 7 spots or welded in up to 7 spots with a maximum of 3" x 4" flat steel or max. ½" rod, sheet metal to sheet metal only. There MUST be a 12" hole or otherwise clear view inside trunk area! You may add a vertical bar in rear window from top of window opening to front edge of trunk lid "NOT THE FLOOR". Window bar will count as one of the "7" trunk fasteners and may weld to one of the plates or rods. If you choose to remove the package tray you will not be allowed to run a deck lid, window bar, or any wire. If you choose to remove the tailgate on station wagons you will not be allowed to run a window bar or any wire. You may NOT fold rear quarter panels over or smash them down, they must stand up in stock position. NO REMOVING ROOF, TUCKING, OR WEDGING!
M-26. All chrome and decorative ornaments must be removed from the outside of the car. Protruding fenders or sheet metal must be cut off or bent over.
M-27. Fenders: A small amount of weld may replace broken lower rear fender bolts (below rocker panel just in front of doors). You may add 2 strands per side from fender to core support, sheet metal to sheet metal only.
M-28. The battery and wiring, may be rear of the firewall. One starting battery maximum size group 31 must be safely secured and suitably covered. A second cooling fan battery my be added, see rule M35 for specifications.
M-29. No homemade radiators. Radiator must remain in original location and must be filled only with water, no antifreeze. No radiator protectors. You may use a/c condenser, screen, or expanded metal in front of radiator but may not be welded or excessive. Overflow hose must point down.
M-30. Cars must have brakes before the beginning of the heat.
M-31. Any vehicle visibly leaking fuel will be disqualified.
M-32. Tires: Any tire any size is permitted, may be doubled, no studs, screws, or wheel weights. Rims may be reinforced Valve stem protectors are allowed.
M-33. Stacks are permitted but must point up or down, NOT FORWARD OR SIDEWAYS
M-34. Air cleaner is mandatory.
M-35. Transmission / transmission and oil coolers: Transmission braces and steel bell housings are allowed. Transmission coolers may be under the hood or inside the driver’s compartment but must have high pressure line and be suitably covered or shielded. A second battery (other then start battery) may be added for transmission cooling fan if safely mounted and suitable covered at all times. No engine oil coolers allowed.
M-36. A minimum of one vertical safety wire or bar must be in Windshield area SHEET METAL TO SHEET METAL ONLY. If steel is use it must be left and or right of distributor protector and may not be used as a kicker.
M-37. Suspension: Suspension jack screws (twisty jacks) or other material may be used but suspension must move up and down/bounce. No chaining up or down any suspension or welding to any support. You may run a chain from the upper front A-arm to the lower front A-arm but it may only be bolted on, not welded and must have some slack. Sway bars(torsion bars) may be altered in the center area for pulley clearance and may be bolted down to lower A-arms. They may not be welded to frame, must have free travel, and must use "stock strap type brackets" (no square tube etc.) with nothing welded (or attached) to bars at sides of brackets. In the event a bolt breaks off inside frame a small amount of weld equal to the size of the original bolt may be used in it's place. Where applicable leaf springs must be equal to or less than factory stock and have no more than 6 clamps per side. Rear shocks must be working "factory manufactured shocks". No coil spring to leaf spring conversions. You may change front upper A-arms to other factor a-arms (Ford to Ford, Ford to GM, etc.) but must attach to original factory frame mounts, a-arms may not be reinforced.
M-38. Body bolts may be changed with up to ½” bolts and may not extend to bottom of frame. Washers 3" maximum (round or square), may not be welded to frame or any sheet metal. Core support spacers (max 3" diameter) min of 1/2", no maximum height limit, “MAY” be welded to frame but not core support. Core support bolts may be up to 3/4" and may extend from top of frame (not bottom) through core support and hood, may not be welded to frame, core support, or hood. A maximum of 4 double strands of up to #9 wire may run from core support (not hood) to front bumper. You may cut lower sides of core support beside radiator, raise bottom then overlap and re-weld to raise radiator. A small amount of steel and weld may be added to core support to mount radiator but not be excessive or add strength to core support. Nothing to be welded across top (side to side) of core support. No other welds or added bolts to core support or other sheet metal with exception of hood rule 24.
M-39. Frame / Rear-end: May be tilted in “one” location, either by bending at the cross member area or at the box by cutting the flaps (cut no more then 3 sides), pulling down, and re welding. Rear frame may NOT be tilted. No adding steel or excessive welding. No squaring of frames anywhere. You may dimple frame at rear humps only. No engine cradle swaps. You may weld up to 6" of angle or flat steel to frame to mount transmission cross member but it must be at least 6" from front corner brace (gusset) or cars with no corner brace mount must be at least 9" from the box. You may add gussets (frame to box and or rear frame gussets) to cars that came without them but they must be factory gussets (not homemade) and out of 2002 and older and use the same amount of weld as factory. Chain links or one bolt may be welded (one chain or bolt per frame rail) with be a maximum of 3" long weld, to frame "FOR MOTOR MOUNTS". Chains must be attached in front of A-arms and must connect from frame to engine. No welding, chain, or bolts to frame after inspection including between a heat and feature. Any frame rust repair will be same gauge material, no more than 1" overlap (from rusted area to non-rusted area, no overlapping patches, and will be AT THE OFFICIALS DISCRETION, “CALL FIRST”! Pre-ran (vehicles run at a PREvious show or a PREvious day) "full frame" (not uni body) cars and trucks with damaged frames may be repaired with up to 2 patches per side (4 total) with a maximum of 4 x 4 x 1/4 plate. Previous damage must be visible. You may NOT weld frame patches between heats and the feature. When installing an old style rear end under '98 and up models weld just enough for the 4 rear-end brackets. The lower rear trailing arms may be mounted inside the frame with 1 bolt that passes through the frame but not be excessive in length and must have travel. You may weld in rear end cross member from earlier models, brackets may not be welded in any way that strengthens the car. Rear-end housing braces may be added but may not be used to support frame in any way, When measured from the rear axle housing (near frame rails) to the farthest rear point of brace it may not measure more than 3". With exception to those covered in rule 39 and 39A no other welding to frame is allowed. You MAY run 8 lug floating rear-ends. Rear ends with multi-lug pattern axles may run 10 studs and nuts.
M-40. 1980 and newer GM full size cars may add 1 hump plate to the outside of each rear frame rail. Plates to be a maximum of 1/4" thick and 20" long when measured straight across end to end (not following curve of plate) and must be centered over axle not ahead or behind center.
M-41. Skid plates may attach to transmission cross member, transmission and or engine but not to engine cross member. Skid plates may extend no farther than from the back of the engine cross member to the transmission cross member.
M-42. No undercoating or painting inside car, under car, on frame, or suspension parts. No material of any kind such as paint, undercoat, dirt, torch smoke, etc. inside frame.
M-43. Distributor protectors, engine cradles, and engine armor are allowed but nothing further forward than the back of water pump other than lower pulley protectors.
M-44. All entries must have roof sign (18" x 24" suggested size) and may not be attached to rear window bar or used to strengthen car. Sign may be attached to roll bar or roof but not both and must be 2 inches from roll bar if mounted to roof.
M-45. You may alter, reinforce, or build steering components including tie rods. Idler arm bolts may go through both frame walls but no spacers (sleeves) are allowed inside the frame. On '03 and newer you must run the factory rack and pinion.
* Same rules as modified apply with exception of the following:
MC-46. 107½ inch wheel base maximum. No altering car to shorten wheel-base, Wheel base to be determined by manufacturers listed wheel-base, not tape measure.
MC-47. Frame repair “on pre run only” will be allowed one 3 x 3 x ¼” plate per car.
MC-48. Maximum of 6 cylinder motors.
MC-49. Any year allowed, American or foreign made.
MC-50. Any tires, no studs, screws or wheel weights, tires may be doubled. Rims may be reinfoced.
MC-51. No tucking or wedging
*STREET STOCK CLASS* May also run Mini Car fig 8 see rule F8-107
SS-66. Any 1980 and newer front wheel drive car with “6” cylinders or less, may be pre run but must still conform to fresh car rules with exceptions listed below in 103 and . Cars may be painted.
SS-67. Windshield is preferred but optional, if removed you must have a vertical bar or wire in windshield area. All other glass must be removed. *Cars with broken glass inside doors or around any window openings (covering with tape is not acceptable) will not run*
SS-68. Body/Bumpers: Bumper covers, outside moldings, mirrors, outside lights, hood latch, and exhaust must be removed (catalytic converter and forward may stay in place). No cutting, bending, hammering, or creasing body is allowed. Trunk lids and rear bumpers may not be removed. Cars with factory installed plastic or fiberglass “FRONT” bumper may replace them with a comparable bumper. No chrome bumpers. Bumper may be bolted on with up to four 3/8 bolts per side (8 total) or four ½ inch tack welds per side (8 total). The same will apply to pre-ran cars to replace bumpers that have been torn off in a previous event. Front bumpers may be wired to core support in 2 spots, two strands per spot (4 strands total). Rear bumpers must be stock and remain in place.
SS-69. Broken tie rods my be welded but no adding steel or strengthening in any way.
SS-70. Gas tank, computer, all electrical components (except inertia switches), shifter, and wiring must remain operational and in original location and not be protected in any way other than spray foam insulation around battery. Fuel gauge should not read more then 1/4 tank, 5 gal maximum. Battery may remain in original location or be moved inside car if secured through the floor and suitably covered.
SS-71. Doors may be wired or chained shut only at vertical seams and not to front fenders and MUST have car number in contrasting color. Driver's side must have bar inside door for safety. One optional bar behind the seat may be bolted in place.
SS-72. Hood must have 12" hole, hood and trunk may be wired shut in 4 spots sheet metal to sheet metal.
SS-73. Original rims (must have all four) and radial tires, no snow tires or tubes. You may run donut spares on the back.
SS-74. Driver's side air bag must be removed or deactivated, any others are optional, no other interior to be removed with the exception of door panels for glass removal.
W-75. Any year, front engine, over 107 ½' wheel base, hard top automobile or station wagon is allowed.
No trucks, imperial, Jeeps, hearse, 4X4, SUV's, or carryalls.
W-76. Tires: Same as modified size class rule.
W-77. Aftermarket or modified Rear-ends 8 lug or less are allowed. Axles made with dual bolt patterns may run up to 10 studs and nuts.
W-78. Engine and transmissions swaps are allowed. No protectors or engine cradles of any kind. The bottom of the oil pan and transmission pan may be reinforced but not connected to each other or to anything else. No skid plates allowed.
W-79. Stacks and aftermarket shifters are allowed.
W-80. No slider drive shafts.
W-81. Cage rules same as full size car rule M-23 but may not be inside the doors.
W-82. Bumpers may not be homemade and must be stock appearing from the front and have factor front and back. You may add any material to the “INSIDE” the bumper.You may brace the back side of the bumper. You may fold and or weld any seam in the bumper and may use any year “CAR” bumper but you may NOT alter the shape or contour of the bumper. No trailer hitches allowed. No Chrysler “pointy” bumpers allowed. Bumper shocks may be collapsed and welded. You may build a shock by welding metal to the bumper and sliding it into frame no further than the back of core support mount. Core support mount must remain in stock position. Nothing in the frame may extend past factory bumper bolt hole. Bumpers may be flipped over. Bumper height max. 22" (front) and minimum 15" (rear) measured from bottom of the bumper to the ground. On 1971 to 1976 Pontiac, Buick, Oldsmobile you may change bumper mounts to Chevy cup style (shock boxes) on the front but no excessive welding. On rear bumpers one piece of up to 2” by 8”strap per frame rail may be welded to frame rail and bumper only, not body or frame cross member.
W-83. Driver's door may be welded solid and must have safety bar. All other doors must be fastened with wire only. Unlimited wire on doors may run from sheet metal to sheet metal only, not frame and not in window openings. Both front doors must contain car number in contrasting color and contain no advertising.
W-84. Steering components may not be altered other than steering columns which may be altered from gear box to steering wheel. No altering or reinforcing suspension components other than rear control arms may be aftermarket or braced.
W-85. See Modified Car regulations M-20 for fuel, M-28 for battery (one battery only), and M-38 for gas tank requirements.
W-86. You may notch or pre-bend rear frame. No hump plates allowed.
W-87. No pre-bending, tucking, or wedging trunks. You may remove or cut trunk lid (or tailgate) in half. Trunks to be wired with a maximum of 6 double strands of #9 or smaller wire. If you chose to not run a trunk lid (or tailgate) you may not use any wire in that area.
W-87. You may change core support bolt with up to a 3/4” bolt and add up to 5” spacers, bolts may extend thru hood but not bottom of frame.
W-88. You may change the back four body bolts in trunk floor area with up to ½” bolts and 3” washers. All other body bolts must remain untouched. If a body bolt is broken it may not be replaced but may be repaired with up to one double strand of #9 or smaller wire.
W-89. You may add up to four double strands of #9 or smaller wire from the core support to the bumper, NOT through the hood. You may add up to 2 strands per side #9 or smaller wire from front fenders to core support (sheet metal to sheet metal only).
W-90. Fuel to be gasoline only, no alcohol. Only tanks permitted are STEEL (NO PLASTIC) boat tanks or metal fuel cells and must be mounted in the area of the back seat and suitably covered. "GAS TANK PROTECTORS" (not frame protectors) may not be more than 26" wide, 3" minimum off floor, and at least 4" from rear sheet metal. Tanks must fit within the 26" tank protector area and not be excessive in size. Rubber and steel lines can be run under floorboards. Steel lines may run inside the car. Rubber lines inside the car must be run inside another hose. ALL FUEL LINES AND TANKS WILL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSPECTORS! Vehicles requiring electric fuel pumps must have an operational fuel pump kill switch. All original fuel tanks must be removed.
W-91. Suspension jack screws (twisty jacks) or other material may be used in coil springs but suspension must move up and down. No chaining up or down any suspension or welding to any support. Where applicable leaf springs must be equal to or less than factory stock and have no more than 6 clamps per side. Rear shocks must be working "factory manufactured shocks". No coil spring to leaf spring conversions.
W-92. Hood and trunk must have minimum of 12” inch inspection hole in trunk lid and in hood over carburetor . Hood may be held down with up to 4 double strands of #9 or smaller wire and the two core supports bolts, or up to six double wire strands only. Trunk lids may be wired up to 8 places with single or double strands of #9 or smaller wire sheet metal to sheet metal only. On a station wagon you must run a full tail gate to use wire in this area. A bar or wire is mandatory in windshield area. No rear window bars or wires allowed.
F8-107. Any year, any build with exception of bumpers as follows: Bumpers to measure no more than 8" front to back. Measurement will be a straight line from the point the bumper meets the bumper shock mounts to the most forward point of bumper. Bumpers may have optional "brush guard" type protector up to as wide as the car and may be attached to any or all of the following: frame, bumper, and body. Chrysler pointy bumpers are not allowed! Safety inspection of battery, fuel tank , etc. will apply. *A hole in the hood for fire access and mud flaps are encouraged* Full size cars and mini cars will run separate classes. Street stock cars (fresh or pre-run) may run mini car fig 8 but must conform 100% to Street Stock Rules.
PW-131. Drivers age 10 and under. Any “stock” power wheels that offers leg protection is allowed, no 4 wheeler type. You may run a lawn mower or similar type battery but must be safely secured and covered. No other changes or modifications allowed other than cosmetic or safety.
1T. Any year ½ ton and ¾ ton truck or SUV will be accepted either two or four wheel drive models.frame swaps are legal ford to ford gm to gm dodge to dodge.
2T. Four wheel drive models will only be allowed to run one drive shaft.
3T. All trucks must have numbers on both doors in contrasting colors.
4T. All glass, headlights, tail lights, outside metal moldings, and interrior must be removed before reaching the track. A minimum of one vertical safety wire or bar must be in Windshield area SHEET METAL TO SHEET METAL ONLY. If steel bar(s) are used they must be left and or right of distributor protector and may not be used as a kicker or come in contact with distributor protector.
5T. Trucks must have approved seat belts and must be worn at all times during event even after truck is out.
6T. Trucks must be swept clean including the driver’s compartment and bed.
7T. One battery, group 31 or smaller must be relocated to the front floorboard and securely fastened and covered.
8T. Doors must be welded, chained, bolted, wired, or any combination.
9T. A four-sided driver protection cage is highly recommended. Cages must not extend more then 6 inches in front of doors and may not extend behind cab. An optional roll bar may be added but must stand straight up and only be attached to inside cage and or cab (inside or out) but not to frame. Two optional kickers may be added from the roll bar to gas tank protector. You may bolt the gas tank protector to the frame in two places but they will count as two bed bolts. No bolts may be more than 18” behind the cab on trucks or 18” behind the rear seat bar on SUV’s. Neither the kickers nor the gas tank protector may extend more than 30" behind the cab in trucks or 30” behind the back seat bar in SUV's.
10T. Bed may have additional washers (not welded), 3" maximum, above floor of bed and in upper flange of frame. No additional bolts or welds in bed floor. Rubber mounts may be removed. Factory bed floors only. Wood floors must have factory metal strips or no strips(no homemade steel strips). Bed may be welded to the cab on the sides only and may be bolted through back of cab (may have spacer material between bed and cab). Tail light openings may be welded shut but no added steel. Tailgate may be welded on with a maximum of 3" wide strap or angle and may be dropped below frame. Tailgate may be bolted to bumper or frame with up to 2 bolts.
11T. Cab mount spacers may be removed, cab may be welded, wired, and or bolted to frame, with any amount and size bolts and washers at your discretion with drivers safety in mind.
12T. Original fuel tank must be removed and a "steel" tank or fuel cell must be mounted in the front center of the bed area, securely bolted in place and covered. Fuel lines may be metal or rubber. Rubber lines inside cab should be "hose inside a hose". Electric fuel pumps must have a marked shut off switch within reach of the driver.
13T A. Bumpers: Refer to full size class rule 5m.A for bumper requirements.
13T B. Unlimited amount of #9 wire (or smaller) is allowed between hood, frame, fenders, and core support, etc. to front bumper. Bumpers may be welded to the frame horns or frame rails, steel may be added to allow mounting of the front bumper but may not extend past back edge of core support. Maximum distance of front of rear bumper to ground 26” and rear bumper minimum of 20" to ground.
14T. Hoods must have 12" hole over carburetor, factory hood hinge bolts may be replaced with up to 3/8" bolts, hood may be wired or bolted shut with up to 6 bolts. Washers may be welded to all wire or bolt holes in hoods and fenders. Core support mount bolts may be up to 1" and may extend from frame up through core support and through hood.
15T. All frames must remain OEM stock. Do not add cable, wire, chain, fillers, welds, or added reinforcements inside or outside of frame. Do not add cable, wire, chain, fillers, welds, or added reinforcements inside or outside of frame. Pick-up frames may be 1/2, 3/4. or 1 ton but must be pick-up truck frames. No factory cab and chassis trucks (examples: ambulance, flatbed, or dump trucks), no 3500 HD frames.
16T. Inner fenders may be wired to the frame but not bolted or welded. Each wheel opening may be bolted with up to 6 maximum 3/8 diameter bolts, washers may be welded to fenders.
17T. Suspension must remain same type as factory stock and must be mounted same as stock for that model of truck. You may remove rear shackles and re-mount
spring hanger and bolt and or weld to frame. Must be stock spring hangers.
18T. No Locked suspension. You may not weld suspension components such as upper and lower control arms or leaf springs. Rear coil spring may be welded or clamped in place. The maximum number of leaf springs in any truck will be 6 in the front and 10 in the rear. You may add up to 6 straps or clamps per side around front or rear leaf springs. You may reinforce or make steering components including tie rods.
19T. Distributor protectors are allowed and will be at the discretion of the officials. None wider than the top of engine, none down the sides of engine, and no chains.
20T. Trailer hitches must be totally removed.
21T. Any engine or transmission may be used in any truck, but must be mounted in stock location.
22T. Chained, welded, or homemade mounts must meet approval of the officials.
23T. Exhaust to be straight up or straight down, or exit behind the rear of the cab.
24T. No homemade radiators. Radiators must stay in stock location, no reserve water tanks, no radiator protectors. You may use radiator condenser, screen, or expanded metal in front of radiator but may not be welded or excessive. Radiator overflow must be directed toward the ground.
25T. Transmission coolers are permitted must have high pressure lines and must be safe.
26T. Any type rear end 1/2, 3/4, or 1 ton (including dually with 1 wheel per side), maximum 8 lug can be used in any truck. Homemade spring perches or trailing arm brackets as well as rear end braces may be welded to rear end housing. Rear end braces must not be designed in a way to strengthen frame.
27T. Only gasoline and diesel fuels allowed, no alcohol.
28T. Any tires, no studs, screws, wheel weights. Valve steam protectors are allowed.
A $50 protest fee must be submitted to a derby official at the time of the protest. The protest must state the car number and its offense. If the car being protested is found to be illegal, the protester's money will be refunded. If the car in question is found to be legal, the owner of that car will receive the $50 protest money. Derby officials will inspect the protested car, along with the person filling the protest. Derby official’s decision will be final. Derby officials can protest any car at any time without a protest fee.
For Questions on full size car call Darrell 260-433-0494 Tony 260-223-8956
For compact question call Matt 260-615-1225
1. Each driver is required to fill out an entry blank. Only one entry per driver, per class. Entries are not transferable.
2. Derby officials may accept or reject any entry, driver or pit crew member.
3. Those issued pit passes may be refused entry by derby officials should officials deem it necessary for safety or the smooth operation of the derby.
4. Pit passes will not be issued to those 14 years of age or younger at some shows. Check minor regulations for each specific location. Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and have an adult/guardian waiver signed.
5. Everyone in the pits must sign a waiver.
6. Any driver 18 or younger must have a notarized minor's release signed by the parent or guardian. The minimum age for drivers is 14 unless prohibited by the individual derby host (fair board etc) regulations. Entrant will be responsible for securing approval from said host.
7. Intoxicating beverages, illegal substances or the use of such are prohibited prior to or during the event. Any violator will be disqualified. This includes car, driver and crew.
8. The last moving vehicle making contact with another live vehicle in all events will be declared the winner.
9. The Decision of the derby officials will be final!
10. Any driver and/or crew member(s) disobeying the rules will cause their car to be disqualified.
11. The driver and the car qualify for the feature. No driver or car changes. Only cars and drivers entered in previous heats qualify for consolation heat or feature.
12. You must stay in your car. Do not leave your car unless you are told to do so by a derby official or the red flag (or checkered flag) has been displayed and all cars have stopped. Leaving your car or "STANDING UP" is grounds for disqualification. If an emergency arises during an event and cars must be moved for safety, running cars will be returned to original position for the restart.
14. If a driver does not hit another live car within 1 minute they will be disqualified.
15. Anyone found blatantly cheating (hidden welds, pitched frames where not allowed, etc.) will be given the option to correct the issue and charged a $100 cash re-inspection fee payable at time of inspection. Derby officials reserve the right to inspect any car at any time.
16. Inspection will close 20 minutes before the starting time. "LATE ARRIVALS ARE SUBJECT TO AN INSPECTION FEE OR REFUSAL".
M-17. Any front engine 107 1/2” or greater wheelbase, hard top automobile or station wagon is allowed. No Trucks, Jeeps, Hearses, Limos, SUV's, or carry-alls.
M-18. Seat belts, approved helmet, and eye protection are required.
M-19. All glass including windshield, doors, headlights, taillights, mirrors, etc. must be “removed” not broken and laying in the doors. The car must be swept clean of all dirt and loose pieces. All this work must be done before entering the pit area.
M-20. Fuel to be gasoline only, no alcohol. Only tanks permitted are STEEL boat tanks or metal fuel cells "NO PLASTIC TANKS" and must be mounted in the area of the back seat and suitably covered. "GAS TANK PROTECTORS" (not frame protectors) may not be more than 26" wide, 3" minimum off floor, and at least 4" from rear sheet metal. Tanks must fit within the 26" tank protector area and not be excessive in size. Rubber and steel lines can be run under floorboards. Steel lines may run inside the car. Rubber lines inside the car must be run inside another hose. Tanks must be secured to floor or cage (not to side walls or doors) with bolts, chain, metal straps, or wire. No nylon strap fasteners or welding tanks to floors. Tanks must be covered and cover must be suitably attached at all times. ALL FUEL LINES AND TANKS WILL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSPECTORS! Vehicles requiring electric fuel pumps must have an operational fuel pump kill switch. All original tanks must be removed.
M-21 A. BUMPERS: Front bumpers may be factory or homemade. Bumper dimensions as follows: Bumper can only measure 8” front to back. Measurement will be a straight line from the point the bumper meets the bumper shock mount. If you are building a bumper with a point it MUST tapper at least 18” from center both ways. SEE ATTACHED PHOTO FOR EXAMPLES. Maximum bumper thickness of homemade bumpers (top to bottom) is 6”. Factory bumpers may be loaded, seam welded, and reinforced behind the factory shell. You may NOT alter any factory bumper from its original shape or dimensions other than it may be shortened. Chrysler pointy bumpers are not allowed! We realize some factory bumpers may exceed the 8” rule but being factory they will not have an advantage over a homemade bumper. Homemade rear bumpers, same specifications other then MUST BE FLAT.
M-21B. No trailer hitches or other reinforcements are permitted. Cutting bumpers (and fenders) for wheel clearance and/or restriction of steering is permissible. You may cut front frame rails short then remount bumper shocks. You may not move core support mount. Bumper shocks may be factory stock or homemade and may be remounted and welded or bolted up to 12" (welds may extend the entire 12" length of shock) inside frame or outside frame depending on original factory mounting. Shocks factory mounted in frame must remount in frame, shocks factory mounted outside frame must remount outside frame. Cars with no factory bumper shocks may add one (factory or homemade) to either the inside or outside of the frame rail, the same 12" rules apply. Bumpers may be welded to bumper shocks and bumper shocks may be welded to frame, any steel besides the shock used to mount bumper may not extend back further than front of core support. Bumpers may be chained or bolted, chain or bolt may be welded to frame forward of core support and may go around bumper or be bolted to bumper. Bumpers may be flipped over. Car bumpers only, max. 22" (front) and min. 15" (rear) from bottom of bumper to the ground.
M-22. All doors must be wired, banded, or chained, or a maximum of "three" 3"x 4" (or smaller) plates per vertical door seam may be welded to secure all doors. Gas doors may be welded. ANY PLATES OR WELDS LONGER THAN 4" WILL BE CUT. Pre-run sheet metal damage may be patched ON DOORS ONLY with up to same gauge material and no more than 1" overlap. "Drivers door may be welded solid with up to 3" strap and must also be reinforced with a suitable strong bar. IF NO CAGE IS USED DRIVER'S DOOR MUST BE PAINTED WHITE. Numbers to be painted on both front doors with a contrasting color for ease of scoring and CONTAIN NO ADVERTISING.
M-23. A FOUR POINT CAGE may be installed consisting of one dash bar, one bar behind the seat, and one door bar per side (may be inside doors but may not extend forward of the firewall). An optional X bar behind the seat may replace single straight bar and may be welded to door post and floor SHEET METAL ONLY (not frame) and must be 5" from any body bolt. Dash bar must be straight with no kickers and must have 6" clearance from bar to distributor protector. Door bars may be mounted to body at the dash area or to dash bar and to the door post and may have two down legs per side welded to floor "SHEET METAL ONLY" (not frame). Down legs must be 5" or more from any body mount. One mounting plate per side approximately 6" X 12" may be welded and or bolted to the door post and or door. The door bars may extend a maximum of 12" behind front door post and be no more than 15" above lower inside door seam. An optional seat bar without a four-point cage may be installed conforming to above "seat bar" specifications. No cage bar in the center of car running front to back. You may have a center floating bar attached to one cage bar to mount shifter. Cage must be at least 3" above floor. An optional roll bar may be added but must stand straight up and may be attached to inside cage and roof only (bolted to roof not welded). Cage must be at least 3" above floor.
M-24. Hoods may be held down with up to six double strands of #9 or smaller wire, sheet metal to sheet metal only, no welding washers to hood or fenders. "HOOD MUST BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION". Hoods must cover fan blades and transmission coolers. Hood safety latch must be removed. Hood hinge bolts may be up to 3/8”. You may add up to 8 bolts in hood sheet metal (plus hinge bolts). There must be a minimum 12” hole in hood above carburetor.
M-25. If you run a trunk lid it must be a factory trunk lid, no plate steel and must be attached to factory hinges at factory location. Front half of trunk lid "SIDES" must stay above drip edge and drip edge must remain in original location. Back half may be folded down but not folded in half (doubled over). You may push center of trunk lid down but must remain above drip edge at sides. Trunk lid (or tailgate) may be wired with double strands of wire in up to 7 spots or welded in up to 7 spots with a maximum of 3" x 4" flat steel or max. ½" rod, sheet metal to sheet metal only. There MUST be a 12" hole or otherwise clear view inside trunk area! You may add a vertical bar in rear window from top of window opening to front edge of trunk lid "NOT THE FLOOR". Window bar will count as one of the "7" trunk fasteners and may weld to one of the plates or rods. If you choose to remove the package tray you will not be allowed to run a deck lid, window bar, or any wire. If you choose to remove the tailgate on station wagons you will not be allowed to run a window bar or any wire. You may NOT fold rear quarter panels over or smash them down, they must stand up in stock position. NO REMOVING ROOF, TUCKING, OR WEDGING!
M-26. All chrome and decorative ornaments must be removed from the outside of the car. Protruding fenders or sheet metal must be cut off or bent over.
M-27. Fenders: A small amount of weld may replace broken lower rear fender bolts (below rocker panel just in front of doors). You may add 2 strands per side from fender to core support, sheet metal to sheet metal only.
M-28. The battery and wiring, may be rear of the firewall. One starting battery maximum size group 31 must be safely secured and suitably covered. A second cooling fan battery my be added, see rule M35 for specifications.
M-29. No homemade radiators. Radiator must remain in original location and must be filled only with water, no antifreeze. No radiator protectors. You may use a/c condenser, screen, or expanded metal in front of radiator but may not be welded or excessive. Overflow hose must point down.
M-30. Cars must have brakes before the beginning of the heat.
M-31. Any vehicle visibly leaking fuel will be disqualified.
M-32. Tires: Any tire any size is permitted, may be doubled, no studs, screws, or wheel weights. Rims may be reinforced Valve stem protectors are allowed.
M-33. Stacks are permitted but must point up or down, NOT FORWARD OR SIDEWAYS
M-34. Air cleaner is mandatory.
M-35. Transmission / transmission and oil coolers: Transmission braces and steel bell housings are allowed. Transmission coolers may be under the hood or inside the driver’s compartment but must have high pressure line and be suitably covered or shielded. A second battery (other then start battery) may be added for transmission cooling fan if safely mounted and suitable covered at all times. No engine oil coolers allowed.
M-36. A minimum of one vertical safety wire or bar must be in Windshield area SHEET METAL TO SHEET METAL ONLY. If steel is use it must be left and or right of distributor protector and may not be used as a kicker.
M-37. Suspension: Suspension jack screws (twisty jacks) or other material may be used but suspension must move up and down/bounce. No chaining up or down any suspension or welding to any support. You may run a chain from the upper front A-arm to the lower front A-arm but it may only be bolted on, not welded and must have some slack. Sway bars(torsion bars) may be altered in the center area for pulley clearance and may be bolted down to lower A-arms. They may not be welded to frame, must have free travel, and must use "stock strap type brackets" (no square tube etc.) with nothing welded (or attached) to bars at sides of brackets. In the event a bolt breaks off inside frame a small amount of weld equal to the size of the original bolt may be used in it's place. Where applicable leaf springs must be equal to or less than factory stock and have no more than 6 clamps per side. Rear shocks must be working "factory manufactured shocks". No coil spring to leaf spring conversions. You may change front upper A-arms to other factor a-arms (Ford to Ford, Ford to GM, etc.) but must attach to original factory frame mounts, a-arms may not be reinforced.
M-38. Body bolts may be changed with up to ½” bolts and may not extend to bottom of frame. Washers 3" maximum (round or square), may not be welded to frame or any sheet metal. Core support spacers (max 3" diameter) min of 1/2", no maximum height limit, “MAY” be welded to frame but not core support. Core support bolts may be up to 3/4" and may extend from top of frame (not bottom) through core support and hood, may not be welded to frame, core support, or hood. A maximum of 4 double strands of up to #9 wire may run from core support (not hood) to front bumper. You may cut lower sides of core support beside radiator, raise bottom then overlap and re-weld to raise radiator. A small amount of steel and weld may be added to core support to mount radiator but not be excessive or add strength to core support. Nothing to be welded across top (side to side) of core support. No other welds or added bolts to core support or other sheet metal with exception of hood rule 24.
M-39. Frame / Rear-end: May be tilted in “one” location, either by bending at the cross member area or at the box by cutting the flaps (cut no more then 3 sides), pulling down, and re welding. Rear frame may NOT be tilted. No adding steel or excessive welding. No squaring of frames anywhere. You may dimple frame at rear humps only. No engine cradle swaps. You may weld up to 6" of angle or flat steel to frame to mount transmission cross member but it must be at least 6" from front corner brace (gusset) or cars with no corner brace mount must be at least 9" from the box. You may add gussets (frame to box and or rear frame gussets) to cars that came without them but they must be factory gussets (not homemade) and out of 2002 and older and use the same amount of weld as factory. Chain links or one bolt may be welded (one chain or bolt per frame rail) with be a maximum of 3" long weld, to frame "FOR MOTOR MOUNTS". Chains must be attached in front of A-arms and must connect from frame to engine. No welding, chain, or bolts to frame after inspection including between a heat and feature. Any frame rust repair will be same gauge material, no more than 1" overlap (from rusted area to non-rusted area, no overlapping patches, and will be AT THE OFFICIALS DISCRETION, “CALL FIRST”! Pre-ran (vehicles run at a PREvious show or a PREvious day) "full frame" (not uni body) cars and trucks with damaged frames may be repaired with up to 2 patches per side (4 total) with a maximum of 4 x 4 x 1/4 plate. Previous damage must be visible. You may NOT weld frame patches between heats and the feature. When installing an old style rear end under '98 and up models weld just enough for the 4 rear-end brackets. The lower rear trailing arms may be mounted inside the frame with 1 bolt that passes through the frame but not be excessive in length and must have travel. You may weld in rear end cross member from earlier models, brackets may not be welded in any way that strengthens the car. Rear-end housing braces may be added but may not be used to support frame in any way, When measured from the rear axle housing (near frame rails) to the farthest rear point of brace it may not measure more than 3". With exception to those covered in rule 39 and 39A no other welding to frame is allowed. You MAY run 8 lug floating rear-ends. Rear ends with multi-lug pattern axles may run 10 studs and nuts.
M-40. 1980 and newer GM full size cars may add 1 hump plate to the outside of each rear frame rail. Plates to be a maximum of 1/4" thick and 20" long when measured straight across end to end (not following curve of plate) and must be centered over axle not ahead or behind center.
M-41. Skid plates may attach to transmission cross member, transmission and or engine but not to engine cross member. Skid plates may extend no farther than from the back of the engine cross member to the transmission cross member.
M-42. No undercoating or painting inside car, under car, on frame, or suspension parts. No material of any kind such as paint, undercoat, dirt, torch smoke, etc. inside frame.
M-43. Distributor protectors, engine cradles, and engine armor are allowed but nothing further forward than the back of water pump other than lower pulley protectors.
M-44. All entries must have roof sign (18" x 24" suggested size) and may not be attached to rear window bar or used to strengthen car. Sign may be attached to roll bar or roof but not both and must be 2 inches from roll bar if mounted to roof.
M-45. You may alter, reinforce, or build steering components including tie rods. Idler arm bolts may go through both frame walls but no spacers (sleeves) are allowed inside the frame. On '03 and newer you must run the factory rack and pinion.
* Same rules as modified apply with exception of the following:
MC-46. 107½ inch wheel base maximum. No altering car to shorten wheel-base, Wheel base to be determined by manufacturers listed wheel-base, not tape measure.
MC-47. Frame repair “on pre run only” will be allowed one 3 x 3 x ¼” plate per car.
MC-48. Maximum of 6 cylinder motors.
MC-49. Any year allowed, American or foreign made.
MC-50. Any tires, no studs, screws or wheel weights, tires may be doubled. Rims may be reinfoced.
MC-51. No tucking or wedging
*STREET STOCK CLASS* May also run Mini Car fig 8 see rule F8-107
SS-66. Any 1980 and newer front wheel drive car with “6” cylinders or less, may be pre run but must still conform to fresh car rules with exceptions listed below in 103 and . Cars may be painted.
SS-67. Windshield is preferred but optional, if removed you must have a vertical bar or wire in windshield area. All other glass must be removed. *Cars with broken glass inside doors or around any window openings (covering with tape is not acceptable) will not run*
SS-68. Body/Bumpers: Bumper covers, outside moldings, mirrors, outside lights, hood latch, and exhaust must be removed (catalytic converter and forward may stay in place). No cutting, bending, hammering, or creasing body is allowed. Trunk lids and rear bumpers may not be removed. Cars with factory installed plastic or fiberglass “FRONT” bumper may replace them with a comparable bumper. No chrome bumpers. Bumper may be bolted on with up to four 3/8 bolts per side (8 total) or four ½ inch tack welds per side (8 total). The same will apply to pre-ran cars to replace bumpers that have been torn off in a previous event. Front bumpers may be wired to core support in 2 spots, two strands per spot (4 strands total). Rear bumpers must be stock and remain in place.
SS-69. Broken tie rods my be welded but no adding steel or strengthening in any way.
SS-70. Gas tank, computer, all electrical components (except inertia switches), shifter, and wiring must remain operational and in original location and not be protected in any way other than spray foam insulation around battery. Fuel gauge should not read more then 1/4 tank, 5 gal maximum. Battery may remain in original location or be moved inside car if secured through the floor and suitably covered.
SS-71. Doors may be wired or chained shut only at vertical seams and not to front fenders and MUST have car number in contrasting color. Driver's side must have bar inside door for safety. One optional bar behind the seat may be bolted in place.
SS-72. Hood must have 12" hole, hood and trunk may be wired shut in 4 spots sheet metal to sheet metal.
SS-73. Original rims (must have all four) and radial tires, no snow tires or tubes. You may run donut spares on the back.
SS-74. Driver's side air bag must be removed or deactivated, any others are optional, no other interior to be removed with the exception of door panels for glass removal.
W-75. Any year, front engine, over 107 ½' wheel base, hard top automobile or station wagon is allowed.
No trucks, imperial, Jeeps, hearse, 4X4, SUV's, or carryalls.
W-76. Tires: Same as modified size class rule.
W-77. Aftermarket or modified Rear-ends 8 lug or less are allowed. Axles made with dual bolt patterns may run up to 10 studs and nuts.
W-78. Engine and transmissions swaps are allowed. No protectors or engine cradles of any kind. The bottom of the oil pan and transmission pan may be reinforced but not connected to each other or to anything else. No skid plates allowed.
W-79. Stacks and aftermarket shifters are allowed.
W-80. No slider drive shafts.
W-81. Cage rules same as full size car rule M-23 but may not be inside the doors.
W-82. Bumpers may not be homemade and must be stock appearing from the front and have factor front and back. You may add any material to the “INSIDE” the bumper.You may brace the back side of the bumper. You may fold and or weld any seam in the bumper and may use any year “CAR” bumper but you may NOT alter the shape or contour of the bumper. No trailer hitches allowed. No Chrysler “pointy” bumpers allowed. Bumper shocks may be collapsed and welded. You may build a shock by welding metal to the bumper and sliding it into frame no further than the back of core support mount. Core support mount must remain in stock position. Nothing in the frame may extend past factory bumper bolt hole. Bumpers may be flipped over. Bumper height max. 22" (front) and minimum 15" (rear) measured from bottom of the bumper to the ground. On 1971 to 1976 Pontiac, Buick, Oldsmobile you may change bumper mounts to Chevy cup style (shock boxes) on the front but no excessive welding. On rear bumpers one piece of up to 2” by 8”strap per frame rail may be welded to frame rail and bumper only, not body or frame cross member.
W-83. Driver's door may be welded solid and must have safety bar. All other doors must be fastened with wire only. Unlimited wire on doors may run from sheet metal to sheet metal only, not frame and not in window openings. Both front doors must contain car number in contrasting color and contain no advertising.
W-84. Steering components may not be altered other than steering columns which may be altered from gear box to steering wheel. No altering or reinforcing suspension components other than rear control arms may be aftermarket or braced.
W-85. See Modified Car regulations M-20 for fuel, M-28 for battery (one battery only), and M-38 for gas tank requirements.
W-86. You may notch or pre-bend rear frame. No hump plates allowed.
W-87. No pre-bending, tucking, or wedging trunks. You may remove or cut trunk lid (or tailgate) in half. Trunks to be wired with a maximum of 6 double strands of #9 or smaller wire. If you chose to not run a trunk lid (or tailgate) you may not use any wire in that area.
W-87. You may change core support bolt with up to a 3/4” bolt and add up to 5” spacers, bolts may extend thru hood but not bottom of frame.
W-88. You may change the back four body bolts in trunk floor area with up to ½” bolts and 3” washers. All other body bolts must remain untouched. If a body bolt is broken it may not be replaced but may be repaired with up to one double strand of #9 or smaller wire.
W-89. You may add up to four double strands of #9 or smaller wire from the core support to the bumper, NOT through the hood. You may add up to 2 strands per side #9 or smaller wire from front fenders to core support (sheet metal to sheet metal only).
W-90. Fuel to be gasoline only, no alcohol. Only tanks permitted are STEEL (NO PLASTIC) boat tanks or metal fuel cells and must be mounted in the area of the back seat and suitably covered. "GAS TANK PROTECTORS" (not frame protectors) may not be more than 26" wide, 3" minimum off floor, and at least 4" from rear sheet metal. Tanks must fit within the 26" tank protector area and not be excessive in size. Rubber and steel lines can be run under floorboards. Steel lines may run inside the car. Rubber lines inside the car must be run inside another hose. ALL FUEL LINES AND TANKS WILL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSPECTORS! Vehicles requiring electric fuel pumps must have an operational fuel pump kill switch. All original fuel tanks must be removed.
W-91. Suspension jack screws (twisty jacks) or other material may be used in coil springs but suspension must move up and down. No chaining up or down any suspension or welding to any support. Where applicable leaf springs must be equal to or less than factory stock and have no more than 6 clamps per side. Rear shocks must be working "factory manufactured shocks". No coil spring to leaf spring conversions.
W-92. Hood and trunk must have minimum of 12” inch inspection hole in trunk lid and in hood over carburetor . Hood may be held down with up to 4 double strands of #9 or smaller wire and the two core supports bolts, or up to six double wire strands only. Trunk lids may be wired up to 8 places with single or double strands of #9 or smaller wire sheet metal to sheet metal only. On a station wagon you must run a full tail gate to use wire in this area. A bar or wire is mandatory in windshield area. No rear window bars or wires allowed.
F8-107. Any year, any build with exception of bumpers as follows: Bumpers to measure no more than 8" front to back. Measurement will be a straight line from the point the bumper meets the bumper shock mounts to the most forward point of bumper. Bumpers may have optional "brush guard" type protector up to as wide as the car and may be attached to any or all of the following: frame, bumper, and body. Chrysler pointy bumpers are not allowed! Safety inspection of battery, fuel tank , etc. will apply. *A hole in the hood for fire access and mud flaps are encouraged* Full size cars and mini cars will run separate classes. Street stock cars (fresh or pre-run) may run mini car fig 8 but must conform 100% to Street Stock Rules.
PW-131. Drivers age 10 and under. Any “stock” power wheels that offers leg protection is allowed, no 4 wheeler type. You may run a lawn mower or similar type battery but must be safely secured and covered. No other changes or modifications allowed other than cosmetic or safety.
1T. Any year ½ ton and ¾ ton truck or SUV will be accepted either two or four wheel drive models.frame swaps are legal ford to ford gm to gm dodge to dodge.
2T. Four wheel drive models will only be allowed to run one drive shaft.
3T. All trucks must have numbers on both doors in contrasting colors.
4T. All glass, headlights, tail lights, outside metal moldings, and interrior must be removed before reaching the track. A minimum of one vertical safety wire or bar must be in Windshield area SHEET METAL TO SHEET METAL ONLY. If steel bar(s) are used they must be left and or right of distributor protector and may not be used as a kicker or come in contact with distributor protector.
5T. Trucks must have approved seat belts and must be worn at all times during event even after truck is out.
6T. Trucks must be swept clean including the driver’s compartment and bed.
7T. One battery, group 31 or smaller must be relocated to the front floorboard and securely fastened and covered.
8T. Doors must be welded, chained, bolted, wired, or any combination.
9T. A four-sided driver protection cage is highly recommended. Cages must not extend more then 6 inches in front of doors and may not extend behind cab. An optional roll bar may be added but must stand straight up and only be attached to inside cage and or cab (inside or out) but not to frame. Two optional kickers may be added from the roll bar to gas tank protector. You may bolt the gas tank protector to the frame in two places but they will count as two bed bolts. No bolts may be more than 18” behind the cab on trucks or 18” behind the rear seat bar on SUV’s. Neither the kickers nor the gas tank protector may extend more than 30" behind the cab in trucks or 30” behind the back seat bar in SUV's.
10T. Bed may have additional washers (not welded), 3" maximum, above floor of bed and in upper flange of frame. No additional bolts or welds in bed floor. Rubber mounts may be removed. Factory bed floors only. Wood floors must have factory metal strips or no strips(no homemade steel strips). Bed may be welded to the cab on the sides only and may be bolted through back of cab (may have spacer material between bed and cab). Tail light openings may be welded shut but no added steel. Tailgate may be welded on with a maximum of 3" wide strap or angle and may be dropped below frame. Tailgate may be bolted to bumper or frame with up to 2 bolts.
11T. Cab mount spacers may be removed, cab may be welded, wired, and or bolted to frame, with any amount and size bolts and washers at your discretion with drivers safety in mind.
12T. Original fuel tank must be removed and a "steel" tank or fuel cell must be mounted in the front center of the bed area, securely bolted in place and covered. Fuel lines may be metal or rubber. Rubber lines inside cab should be "hose inside a hose". Electric fuel pumps must have a marked shut off switch within reach of the driver.
13T A. Bumpers: Refer to full size class rule 5m.A for bumper requirements.
13T B. Unlimited amount of #9 wire (or smaller) is allowed between hood, frame, fenders, and core support, etc. to front bumper. Bumpers may be welded to the frame horns or frame rails, steel may be added to allow mounting of the front bumper but may not extend past back edge of core support. Maximum distance of front of rear bumper to ground 26” and rear bumper minimum of 20" to ground.
14T. Hoods must have 12" hole over carburetor, factory hood hinge bolts may be replaced with up to 3/8" bolts, hood may be wired or bolted shut with up to 6 bolts. Washers may be welded to all wire or bolt holes in hoods and fenders. Core support mount bolts may be up to 1" and may extend from frame up through core support and through hood.
15T. All frames must remain OEM stock. Do not add cable, wire, chain, fillers, welds, or added reinforcements inside or outside of frame. Do not add cable, wire, chain, fillers, welds, or added reinforcements inside or outside of frame. Pick-up frames may be 1/2, 3/4. or 1 ton but must be pick-up truck frames. No factory cab and chassis trucks (examples: ambulance, flatbed, or dump trucks), no 3500 HD frames.
16T. Inner fenders may be wired to the frame but not bolted or welded. Each wheel opening may be bolted with up to 6 maximum 3/8 diameter bolts, washers may be welded to fenders.
17T. Suspension must remain same type as factory stock and must be mounted same as stock for that model of truck. You may remove rear shackles and re-mount
spring hanger and bolt and or weld to frame. Must be stock spring hangers.
18T. No Locked suspension. You may not weld suspension components such as upper and lower control arms or leaf springs. Rear coil spring may be welded or clamped in place. The maximum number of leaf springs in any truck will be 6 in the front and 10 in the rear. You may add up to 6 straps or clamps per side around front or rear leaf springs. You may reinforce or make steering components including tie rods.
19T. Distributor protectors are allowed and will be at the discretion of the officials. None wider than the top of engine, none down the sides of engine, and no chains.
20T. Trailer hitches must be totally removed.
21T. Any engine or transmission may be used in any truck, but must be mounted in stock location.
22T. Chained, welded, or homemade mounts must meet approval of the officials.
23T. Exhaust to be straight up or straight down, or exit behind the rear of the cab.
24T. No homemade radiators. Radiators must stay in stock location, no reserve water tanks, no radiator protectors. You may use radiator condenser, screen, or expanded metal in front of radiator but may not be welded or excessive. Radiator overflow must be directed toward the ground.
25T. Transmission coolers are permitted must have high pressure lines and must be safe.
26T. Any type rear end 1/2, 3/4, or 1 ton (including dually with 1 wheel per side), maximum 8 lug can be used in any truck. Homemade spring perches or trailing arm brackets as well as rear end braces may be welded to rear end housing. Rear end braces must not be designed in a way to strengthen frame.
27T. Only gasoline and diesel fuels allowed, no alcohol.
28T. Any tires, no studs, screws, wheel weights. Valve steam protectors are allowed.
A $50 protest fee must be submitted to a derby official at the time of the protest. The protest must state the car number and its offense. If the car being protested is found to be illegal, the protester's money will be refunded. If the car in question is found to be legal, the owner of that car will receive the $50 protest money. Derby officials will inspect the protested car, along with the person filling the protest. Derby official’s decision will be final. Derby officials can protest any car at any time without a protest fee.
For Questions on full size car call Darrell 260-433-0494 Tony 260-223-8956
For compact question call Matt 260-615-1225